Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Central Conservatory of Music & Study in ccom

Requirements and Deadline

I. Requirement

1. Undergraduate Program: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and have attained a senior high school diploma, they will be accepted after qualification for the entrance examination. Students are required to complete the curriculum between 4 or 5 years (5 years for majors of composition, musicology, conducting, music education, vocal and opera). Upon graduation, students will receive a graduation certificate along with the bachelor's degree.

2. Master Program: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and have attained a bachelor's degree, they will be accepted after qualification for the entrance examination. Students are required to complete the curriculum between 2- 3 years, fulfill the designated number of credits, complete the master's thesis and defend of it in front of a panel of experts. Graduates will receive a graduation certificate along with the Master's degree.

3. Doctorate Program: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and have attained a master's degree, they will be accepted after qualification for the entrance examination. Students are required to complete the curriculum within 3 yeas (in normal circumstances) and fulfill the designated number of credits, conduct research, complete the doctoral thesis and defend it in front of the panel of experts. Graduates will receive a graduation certificate with doctoral degree.

4. General advanced study program: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and have attained a senior high school diploma or above. Students will receive a certificate for advanced study.

5. Senior Advanced Study Program: Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and have attained a Master's degree or above. Students will receive a certificate for the advanced study.

II. When to Apply

1. Applicants for the undergraduate program must visit and apply to our website to submit the application form online in the beginning of December for the audition, and comes in person to audition in February or March next year. The qualified applicants will receive the formal Notice of Acceptation in July and register to study in September.

2. Applicants for the Master's Program must visit our website to review the Regulation for the Graduate Study Program in May and submit the application form for the entrance examination according to the indication of the Regulation. The accepted applicants will receive the formal Notice of Acceptation in July and register in September next year.

3. Applicants for the doctorate program must visit our website to review the Regulation for the Graduate Study Program in January and submit the application form for the entrance examination according to the indication of the Regulation. The accepted applicants will receive the formal Notice of Acceptation in July and register to study in September.

4. Applicants for General Advanced Study or Senior Advanced Study can apply to the Foreign Students Office directly 3 or 4 months before the Entrance Date of March 1 or September 1st.

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